Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Personal Code of Ethics

I have learned a lot over the semester about what journalism is. Quite honestly when I signed up for the class I thought of journalists in a rather stereotypical way; however, now I understand the different methods and issues surrounding the profession.
    I think that good journalism can only be achieved when the journalist is first loyal to the pubic. I think that it is very easy for journalists to forget who they are writing for and also who they are writing to.
    In most great stories there was this one common theme. Loyalty to the public. The watergate scandal was an important case because it showed the public just how corrupt Nixon had become. It meant something to the public and it was an important story. It wasn’t just shocking or career changing. It was important information that the public needed to know.
    On the other hand, I think that journalists often get caught up in finding the biggest most shocking story and they forget that the public needs correct, current, and complete information about a lot of things, not just the big stories.
    Journalists tend to use anonymous quotes when dealing with these big issues. I understand that sometimes this method is needed if the sources life or livelihood is in danger; however, this in most often not why they are used. It seems like they are used because it’s easier to get people to talk when they aren’t held responsible for what they say and what information they’re giving out.
    I am not a journalism major. I’m taking this class for my minor. The thing that I will take away from this class is what kind of media consumer I want to be.
    I think in most cases people take what they hear on TV or read in the newspaper at face value. They assume that it is completely true just because it was in the paper. I know before I took this class that is how I approached news. Now, however, I make an effort to check every story that I read.
    Especially in this social media centric culture where any anonymous person can write whatever they want, we need to be aware of what information we are taking in and how true it is. My parents watch the news every night and they also read the newspaper every morning. Most of the younger generation simply read a couple of websites and call it a complete understanding of current news.
    I think that this is going to cause problems in the future. The television and printed news are geared towards two slightly different things, so you are getting slightly different information. You are also learning about a large range of things, meaning that you generally know what is going on in the community and world.
    The new generation, however, is simply reading about what interests them. I think it is a problem that we aren't exposed to all of the news that our parents are. When all you read is what you are interested in, you don’t gain any understanding of the world around you or your community.
    Whether that is because the age group simply haven't matured that far yet or because of a changing mind set in the culture is still to be seen. 
    I think an important function of journalism is that they are the watchdog of big business and government. To do this journalists must maintain an independence from those they cover and those they work for. journalists must present an unbiased view of the facts to cover stories correctly.
    Most important is that journalists know what their moral standards are ethics are before they are faced with difficult decisions. For example a journalist should decide to never take a bribe for either writing a story or killing one. Then, when faced with such a situation they would already know what they are willing to do.
    I think that it is important for the journalist to individually do this as well as for news organizations to provide their employees with a company code of ethics. As a news consumer I have begun to look at different papers ethical standards and it helps me to trust certain paper or organizations more than others. It lets me know that what they print is factual and that they are responsible for what is being covered.
    In the end I think it comes down to accountability. When journalists are accountable to the public and to each other, then they present the best possible story. When they are allowed to write what they want with no one checking them, that is when the media runs into issues.


I think it is hard for anyone to define their values into concrete will or wont’s. Most peoples standards of ethics are fluid, changing with the times and changing according to the situation. I think this is often the cause of poor journalism. I journalists can sit down and plan out what they would do in certain situations, then we will have a much more honest news media as a whole. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/28/AR2005102801172.html.

Most important is that journalists know what their moral standards are ethics are before they are faced with difficult decisions. For example a journalist should decide to never take a bribe for either writing a story or killing one. Then, when faced with such a situation they would already know what they are willing to do. http://www.spj.org

I think that it is important for the journalist to individually do this as well as for news organizations to provide their employees with a company code of ethics. As a news consumer I have begun to look at different papers ethical standards and it helps me to trust certain paper or organizations more than others. It lets me know that what they print is factual and that they are responsible for what is being covered. http://www.nytimes.com/pages/opinion/index.html

Journalism and Faith

I think that reporters often have a hard time keeping their stories unbiased. With the understanding that everyone, especially reporters, have strong thoughts and opinions how do we get neutral stories?
Religion is a common point of controversy in today's society. People dedicate hours every week to their faith. It becomes a part of them and affects their beliefs in almost every situation. Religion is intensely personal and shouldn’t be treated like a mass produced product. I think we all can understand how this bias would alter our journalistic integrity.

Most people can’t write a neutral story about religion. I think that in most cases when a religion is reported on, it is done very poorly. The journalist never gets the whole picture and often times fails to even grasp the most simple aspects of their faith. If you are going to report on a religion at least get the facts right!

As a member of the church it is always entertaining to see what the newest stories are about the church or high profile church members. Right now with two mormons in the presidential campaign, it is especially interesting to see how the media is painting their beliefs. Mitt Romney had a fairly accurate story written about him and his beliefs on  http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/06/05/mormons-rock.html.

The newest Tony award winning musical is all about the mormon church and there is an HBO television show about polygamy. While the TV show is not even really about the church, most people associate the church with polygamy. http://www.hbo.com/big-love/index.htmlhttp://www.bookofmormonbroadway.com/home.php I have found that a lot of reporters take what they see in these programs as fact. They report them as if they are totally true and that leads to a false story. If they want true religious fact, go to the source.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I thought that this last week was a very interesting class. The case study on ethics really made me think what I would do in those situations and how my values would play out in  real world situations. I think it is especially important to us as BYU students to have set values and ethics because we end up representing more than just ourselves and our businesses. I think that ethics are chosen and that we simply have to cement out ethics now so that when situations arise it is an easy choice what we will do in any given situation. 
I think that case studies are the best way to learn what our ethical standards are and how we need to change them. According to the Indiana State School of Journalism,  journalist ethics come down to four things: 1. Seek Truth and Report It, 2. Minimize Harm, 3. Be Accountable, and 4. Act Independently. http://journalism.indiana.edu/resources/ethics/
In our case study in class, my group talked about the guy mowing the lawn naked. When we were talking about it we found it relatively easy to figure out what we would do; however, it became harder when people started asking questions and we became responsible for our choices. It seems obvious that newspapers should only print pictures that enhance their story. In this case it seems that the paper printed such a large and questionable picture for shock value. I think that it was unnecessary. http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp
I think that the biggest worry for me is peoples online ethics when their not accountable to anyone. I’m interested to see how that effects their stories and coverage. Here is some informations on online ethics. http://www.ojr.org/ojr/wiki/ethics/

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Watchdog Journalism

I think one of the most important functions of journalism is to watch the Government and big businesses. I agree with what the group said that often times that function of journalism is trivialized. I know that we use watergate as an example in every class, but it really is one of the best examples. Journalists made a huge difference in our country and in public opinion. http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Journalism-Newspeople-Completely-Updated/dp/0307346706
I do think that sometimes journalists are too focused on this function. Sometimes there isn’t a groundbreaking story. Journalists sometimes look over important stories just because it doesn’t involve an important person.  http://www.fair.org/media-beat/010308.html
As far as language goes. I think that in most cases report language is crucial. It gives a serious, formal, informed opinion. Sometimes however, it can be overly dry and can take away from the message. http://businessjournalism.org/2010/10/29/how-to-build-a-personalized-accuracy-checklist/

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 Journalists must maintain an independence from those they cover. This is an essential part of journalism. (http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Journalism-Newspeople-Completely-Updated/dp/0307346706) We must present an unbiased view of the facts to cover stories correctly. I think that with all the new media forms, journalism independence will suffer. In the past people were exposed to general news every time they read the news paper. Now people can bypass that news and just straight to whatever news interests them. This means that the public will have to make a greater effort to know what is going on in the world.

At the same time the technology is also allowing people to access more resources than before. Journalists who are not independent from those they cover will be easily revealed in this new environment. http://www.kcnn.org/principles/independence_in_journalism In an ideal world news would be completely unbiased; however, this is not an ideal world or society. Journalists are loyal to employers who are in turn loyal to their owners. The public needs to be aware of these situations.

I think that there is a place for both fact and opinion in news; however, it needs to be clear which is being presented. Articles need to be presented objectively. Bloggers or reviewers need to clearly state that they are sharing their opinion and not hard fact. After all comment is free but facts are sacred.    http://www.fair.org/media-beat/010308.html

Monday, October 17, 2011


The most interesting thing that we talked about last class was bias in news. I think that the news is often presented in a very biased form. I remember the clips of Anderson Cooper that we were watching a couple weeks ago. We talked about how he was very emotional in his presentation. I think the biggest thing wrong with that report was how biased it was. Yes, the people needed help; however, he didn't report anything that the government was doing to help. He simply ignored any facts that didn't go along with the story he wanted to present. I think that more than anything journalists need to keep themselves unbiased. http://www.journalism.org/resources/principles

I think that one of the most important points of verification is the principle of transparency.This means being open to your audience and showing them how and where you got your sources. The goal of journalists is to get information out to the public and have them make decisions about information. I we do not do this in a trustworthy way, we stop being credible. I found an article about peoples trust in the media compared to other places.  http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/31/little-trust-in-government-or-media-either/

I think that the internet poses a threat to the verification process. I think that many blogers think that it is more important to be fast than it is to be correct. Journalists need to be accurate and dependable or else people will go to other sources. I really liked the accuracy checklist that was shown in class. I think as news consumers we should encourage truth and accuracy in the news. If we don't read the fiction or embellished truth then they will stop writing it. http://businessjournalism.org/2010/10/29/how-to-build-a-personalized-accuracy-checklist/      

Monday, October 10, 2011

Journalism the profession

I have been thinking a lot about the anonymous quoting issue that we talked about in class last week. I think that in most situations it is silly to put an anonymous quote. In most stories you can quote someone without there being any problems for the source; however, there are situations that require anonymous sources. We talked about crime lords and political scandals as being appropriate situations for anonymous sources and I agree with this statement. I think that the more anonymous sources your story has the more unreliable it is. http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/columns/imperialcity/12025/

I was also thinking that before I took this class I'm pretty sure that all my inside information about the journalism profession was from Newsies, Harry Potter, and various movies. How sad is that. Now I love our man Denton and all, but really I don't think he counts as a credible journalist.

Oh Newsies, possibly the worst movie ever made. Anyway I was just thinking important it is for news agencies and journalists to let people know what they stand for as far as news quality and integrity goes. Journalists have a pretty bad reputation and it's important for us as news consumers to know that we can trust what we are taking in.  http://www.cjr.org/about_us/mission_statement.php

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pew Media Study

I thought that this article was very interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/26/business/media/pew-media-study-shows-reliance-on-many-outlets.html?_r=1&src=tp I agreed with most of the information presented. I think that the younger generation are looking to new mediums for their news.

One thing that I think that the article didn't really talk about was that most people look to more than one source for news. My parents watch the news every night, they also read the newspaper every morning. On the other hand most of the younger generation simply read a couple of websites and call it a complete understanding of current news.

I think that this is going to cause problems in the future. The television news and printed news are geared towards two slightly different things, so you are getting slightly different information. You are also learning about a large range of things, meaning that you generally know what is going on in the community and world. The new generation however is simply reading what interests them. I think it is a problem that we aren't exposed to all of the news that our parents are. Whether that is because we simply haven't gotten there yet as far as age and maturity go or simply that the news industry is drastically changing I just don't know.

Journalism loyalty

I thought that class last time was very interesting. It was interesting to hear the idealist view of how journalists operate. I agree 100% that that is how it should work, however I don't think that is a reasonable statement that journalists are first loyal to the public.

I think especially where bloggers and other unchecked writers are concerned. Their first loyalty is to them self and their own statistic of hits to their blog. Most will stretch, manipulate, or make up facts to encourage people to read their blog.

 In the case of serious journalists who are working for major publications, yes they are loyal to the public. They are also accountable to their editors and it is rather simple for the public to check these facts and figures. http://blog.oregonlive.com/oregonianopinion/2008/01/sandra_duffy_journalisms_first.html

I remember a couple of classes ago one of the groups showed a clip from the new movie "Contagion". This movie was about an outbreak of a new disease. In it was portrayed a internet reporter and how he created mass hysteria by making outrageous claims about effective medicines and government conspiracy during a national crisis. In the end he was arrested and charged with crimes. 

I think that it is risky for the public to automatically assume that a all journalists are being totally objective. In this era of mass media and unlimited information we as the public need to constantly analyzing the information we are receiving.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Journalism equals truth... at least to the general public.

I agree with what the group said in their presentation last week. We expect journalists to report the truth. We as consumers of the news assume that because a story is published that it is 100% true. I think that is a huge mistake with todays media.

With the main stream news sources you can always assume that the facts have been checked, however more and more people are turning to alternative forms of news. Blogs and social media make getting news very simple and people are able to post their own views and opinions; however, not all of these posts are factual.

One of my favorite websites is called "The Onion". It is a website that creates totally fake news that is in the correct style and format. It honestly take about thirty seconds for you to realize that this stuff isn't real; it is a joke. They stick to current issues and I think it is interesting social commentary.

This picture is from an article that describes how in an effort to earn money for the US economy Obama appeared in a Japanese commercial.  The reason why I think "The Onion" is so interesting is because when you see an article or a news clip in the accepted style you assume that it is actually news. People have no common sense when reading the news. They take everything presented as hard fact. If you ran this story in The Daily Universe I think that most people would take it as fact. Very few people would question the information and write in about it. The whole story can be found at http://www.theonion.com/articles/obama-earns-money-for-us-by-appearing-in-japanese,21292/

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Future of News

 I think that the future of news is secure. It's unrealistic to predict that print news is going to disappear any time soon. After all, every time a new form of media has become popular the older form has had to adapt to survive. For example radio had to change significantly when television began to absorb its viewers. I think that Ryan Singel says it better than I ever could "Paper is dying, but it’s just a device, replacing it with pixels is a better experience." http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/03/the-future-of-n/
I agree with the group that presented; professional journalism will continue to lead our new craze of citizen journalism. People today are using professional journalists to point them in the direction of important news. They then write what they think about this story or add their own information on top of it. It is very rare for a blogger to come up with their own independent and original breaking news. I do think that news is returning to its roots. It began with citizens sharing their local news with each other, I think that with social media it is returning to this form. http://www.economist.com/node/18928416

I found this awesome clip where a bunch of important reporters and people in the news industry talk about the future of news and the citizen journalists. It is a little overly serious and pretentious, but I still think it is interesting. http://www.newseum.org/programs/future-of-news/index.html

Monday, September 12, 2011

What is Journalism?

To me journalism is reporting events or trends to a broad audience. My first real look into journalism came about because of September 11, 2001. The news anchors took the as much information as they could and shared it with the world. I think that for myself and the rest of the nation journalism changed in a specific way that day.
First and foremost the content of the news changed. According to PEJ Analysis reporting of foreign policy and terrorism has risen significantly since 2001.http://www.journalism.org/node/1839/print On top of what is reported I think that the method of reporting has changed as well. The most common methods were television and the newspaper. Now I think that most people go online for their news and are able to get news much faster.
Since there have been so many improvements in media I believe that more people are accessing and using these recourses. I think in the next decade journalism will be forced to change just as much if it hopes to stay a critical and vital source of information for the masses.