Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pew Media Study

I thought that this article was very interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/26/business/media/pew-media-study-shows-reliance-on-many-outlets.html?_r=1&src=tp I agreed with most of the information presented. I think that the younger generation are looking to new mediums for their news.

One thing that I think that the article didn't really talk about was that most people look to more than one source for news. My parents watch the news every night, they also read the newspaper every morning. On the other hand most of the younger generation simply read a couple of websites and call it a complete understanding of current news.

I think that this is going to cause problems in the future. The television news and printed news are geared towards two slightly different things, so you are getting slightly different information. You are also learning about a large range of things, meaning that you generally know what is going on in the community and world. The new generation however is simply reading what interests them. I think it is a problem that we aren't exposed to all of the news that our parents are. Whether that is because we simply haven't gotten there yet as far as age and maturity go or simply that the news industry is drastically changing I just don't know.

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