Monday, October 10, 2011

Journalism the profession

I have been thinking a lot about the anonymous quoting issue that we talked about in class last week. I think that in most situations it is silly to put an anonymous quote. In most stories you can quote someone without there being any problems for the source; however, there are situations that require anonymous sources. We talked about crime lords and political scandals as being appropriate situations for anonymous sources and I agree with this statement. I think that the more anonymous sources your story has the more unreliable it is.

I was also thinking that before I took this class I'm pretty sure that all my inside information about the journalism profession was from Newsies, Harry Potter, and various movies. How sad is that. Now I love our man Denton and all, but really I don't think he counts as a credible journalist.

Oh Newsies, possibly the worst movie ever made. Anyway I was just thinking important it is for news agencies and journalists to let people know what they stand for as far as news quality and integrity goes. Journalists have a pretty bad reputation and it's important for us as news consumers to know that we can trust what we are taking in.

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