Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Future of News

 I think that the future of news is secure. It's unrealistic to predict that print news is going to disappear any time soon. After all, every time a new form of media has become popular the older form has had to adapt to survive. For example radio had to change significantly when television began to absorb its viewers. I think that Ryan Singel says it better than I ever could "Paper is dying, but it’s just a device, replacing it with pixels is a better experience." http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/03/the-future-of-n/
I agree with the group that presented; professional journalism will continue to lead our new craze of citizen journalism. People today are using professional journalists to point them in the direction of important news. They then write what they think about this story or add their own information on top of it. It is very rare for a blogger to come up with their own independent and original breaking news. I do think that news is returning to its roots. It began with citizens sharing their local news with each other, I think that with social media it is returning to this form. http://www.economist.com/node/18928416

I found this awesome clip where a bunch of important reporters and people in the news industry talk about the future of news and the citizen journalists. It is a little overly serious and pretentious, but I still think it is interesting. http://www.newseum.org/programs/future-of-news/index.html

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