Monday, September 12, 2011

What is Journalism?

To me journalism is reporting events or trends to a broad audience. My first real look into journalism came about because of September 11, 2001. The news anchors took the as much information as they could and shared it with the world. I think that for myself and the rest of the nation journalism changed in a specific way that day.
First and foremost the content of the news changed. According to PEJ Analysis reporting of foreign policy and terrorism has risen significantly since 2001. On top of what is reported I think that the method of reporting has changed as well. The most common methods were television and the newspaper. Now I think that most people go online for their news and are able to get news much faster.
Since there have been so many improvements in media I believe that more people are accessing and using these recourses. I think in the next decade journalism will be forced to change just as much if it hopes to stay a critical and vital source of information for the masses.

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