Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Watchdog Journalism

I think one of the most important functions of journalism is to watch the Government and big businesses. I agree with what the group said that often times that function of journalism is trivialized. I know that we use watergate as an example in every class, but it really is one of the best examples. Journalists made a huge difference in our country and in public opinion. http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Journalism-Newspeople-Completely-Updated/dp/0307346706
I do think that sometimes journalists are too focused on this function. Sometimes there isn’t a groundbreaking story. Journalists sometimes look over important stories just because it doesn’t involve an important person.  http://www.fair.org/media-beat/010308.html
As far as language goes. I think that in most cases report language is crucial. It gives a serious, formal, informed opinion. Sometimes however, it can be overly dry and can take away from the message. http://businessjournalism.org/2010/10/29/how-to-build-a-personalized-accuracy-checklist/

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