Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Journalism loyalty

I thought that class last time was very interesting. It was interesting to hear the idealist view of how journalists operate. I agree 100% that that is how it should work, however I don't think that is a reasonable statement that journalists are first loyal to the public.

I think especially where bloggers and other unchecked writers are concerned. Their first loyalty is to them self and their own statistic of hits to their blog. Most will stretch, manipulate, or make up facts to encourage people to read their blog.

 In the case of serious journalists who are working for major publications, yes they are loyal to the public. They are also accountable to their editors and it is rather simple for the public to check these facts and figures. http://blog.oregonlive.com/oregonianopinion/2008/01/sandra_duffy_journalisms_first.html

I remember a couple of classes ago one of the groups showed a clip from the new movie "Contagion". This movie was about an outbreak of a new disease. In it was portrayed a internet reporter and how he created mass hysteria by making outrageous claims about effective medicines and government conspiracy during a national crisis. In the end he was arrested and charged with crimes. 

I think that it is risky for the public to automatically assume that a all journalists are being totally objective. In this era of mass media and unlimited information we as the public need to constantly analyzing the information we are receiving.

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